Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finally africa!

Flying over Africa!! Entebbe is the destination!!

I am finally here and I have soo much to share its crazy! I can't even write in my journal at night with out getting overwhelmed by everthing that I saw and did. I want to write in detail about every little thing so that I don't forget and can share Africa with you guys...but its hard!

But I will try with limited time. When we got off of the plane in Entebbe at 3 am it was humid and warm. It felt like the butterfly exhibit at the Seattle Science Center.

Our first night we slept at a nun's house in Entebbe. It was hard to sleep since we were sitting all day. But we got 4 hours of sleep.

Then we got on a big bus and traveled to the school. One hour drive felt like 10 min. I took so many pictures! So much to see. Shops everywhere. Coca cola signs on pink buildings everywhere. People everywhere. Groceries carried on the head. Big bill boards. Boda Bodas ( dangerous cool motor cycles that we aren't allow to ride :( but probably for the best) Busy busy crazy roads.

We stayed at the school our first night. Then on saturday we traveled to our host families houses. Exciting day saying good bye and good luck to everyone as they got out of the vans and met their families.

So meeting my family has been the best part yet! I have a African momma jennifer, papa Joseph, a brother who is 8, Isaac; a sister who is 6, named Deborah, a little sister who is one, Docus and super cute :) Also a house maid and a couple visitors who are just staying a little bit, Charles, who I have talked the most with. And Zuraim, who is 18 that I talk a lot to too. Its fun sharing the USA with them.

For example, they thought americans abused their children and disciplined in school..and it was normal. Haha I had fun explaining what spanking was..and discipline..but not abuse.

I also went to what is called an Introduction. Its is a traditional Ugandan event that all Ugandans do prior to marriage. Itroduction is BIG and lasts all day. The one I went to started at 1 and went past 8pm. An Introduction is where the to be wife introduces the to be husband to the their family and they get approval. Lots happens. Their is a section for the wife side, the friends and visitors, and the husband's side. My papa was the girls grandfather...he said if you follow the Uganda culture thats what he would be to her..not too sure what that means but yes. They read off a list of their ancestial tribes so they knew they weren't related. The sisters of the wife came out and they were all dancing while the family had to guess which one was the one that the husband was going to merry. However, even though it was fasinating and beautiful like a wedding, it was all in Lugandan so I had papa and Charles interpret constantly to me.

I also wore a gomas :) A traditional african dress. Its soo funny to me! With the puff pointy shoulder sleeves. Tons of layers of clothes. The picture is below :) To the right is my momma Jennifer and Papa Joseph.

I have so much to share..but have to wrap it up...My momma has a HUGE garden. I showed the family our house and showed our little garden on the side and thy laughed is surprise that we would have a bigger house then garden :P. They have tons of banana trees, mango, Jack fruit, a oil tree, Avacado, and other leaves for surrounds their whole house. I eat mango, and avacado, and rice, and matoke with every meal. Honestly my system has been so blocked up though..haha. I get to use squatt potties...guess what those are :P and I get to bathe from a little bucket :P Its all an adventure ! for next time, can you guys guess what a short call is and a long call is?! Haha good luck in guessing. Miss all of you!!

I have to go to my first class today. It is still weird getting used to the fact that we still have to go to class here :)


  1. Short call is peeing... longcall is pooping! This was a fun read MAH. Your african family sounds awesome!

  2. I think that Phil's guess is right.Yes?
    How was your first day of school? We read another girl's blog from when she went to Mukono with USP and she showed the grading scale-I think that you will love it! 46%is passing. Crazy.Your in our prayers!!!Love ya!

  3. Dear Megen, Your dreams are coming true. Our hearts are there with YOU. It looks like YOU've been given the very best, of care. Please send pictures, of your family's garden, and the babies.
    Aunt Deborah, and Uncle Daniel, and all, of the Hipples

  4. Hey Megan, this is your dad writing you to say I am so incredibly happy for you. I know your travel was long, but well worth it. You are so blessed to be staying with such a wonderful family. I knew God would take care of this detail, and HE has. I enjoy reading of your adventures, no matter how small, just keep the stories coming. I think of you constantly and pray for you too. I love you greatly.

  5. You can get a cold shower on campus, just make friends with one of the girls in the dorms, we did it sevreal times. also when your travaling some of the Guest Houses have showers, some even with warm water. I hope your having a blast.
    watch out for the cockroaches when your splash bathing. Have you tried running with the cross country team at the school, one girl from my group did, they run really early in the morning. But there really friendly and super welcoming of american students.
